November 23 - London 2012 chairman Sebastian Coe confidently claimed today that London is ready to cope with the huge volume of transport expected during the Olympic and Paralympics Games next year, though he admitted that there will be major challenges ahead.

Transport issues have been one of the key concerns ahead of next year's Games, with the capital's train network, in particular London Underground, at risk of failing to provide sufficient capacity for spectators travelling between Olympic venues.

It has been suggested that Transport for London (TfL) requires up to a 30 per cent drop in commuters in order to reduce waiting times, whilst there has also been considerable effort to encourage employers to allow and encourage flexible working, possibly from home, during the Games.

Speaking here at Tower Bridge as EDF unveiled its 36 strong team of Olympic and Paralympic Games athlete ambassadors, Coe said London 2012 had two objectives, both inside and outside the venues where the action will be taking place.

"Number one is precision, athletes need to know if I say to them that it is 38 minutes from the village to their venue – because [if they think it is] 45 minutes it means you are eating at the wrong time, you are warming up at the wrong time," he said.

"The second is making sure the city works for people who are not in the Games."

Coe insisted though that the capital was well placed to deal with the extra pressures on its transport network.

"London does this all the time, we had the Tour de France and Wimbledon at the same time this year," he said.

"Of course there will be challenges; London is not designed like a modern European city.

He also added: "I'm not here though to resolve the broader London transport issues which have challenged politicians for 60 years."

By David Gold


November 23 - Sport and Olympics Minister Hugh Robertson (pictured) has backed the British Olympic Association (BOA) and their chairman Colin Moynihan in their controversial war of words with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) as they look to keep their lifetime Olympic ban on drug cheats in place for London 2012.

The BOA look set for a Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) battle with WADA to keep their ruling in place but the dispute has turned ugly in recent weeks after Moynihan labelled the organisation "toothless" in their fight against drug cheats.

WADA hit back saying that Moynihan is misguided and that the BOA ruling simply goes against the global code agreed upon by the CAS last month but Robertson has refused to condemn the outspoken behaviour of the BOA chairman.

"I think this is a fight worth having," said Robertson here.

"The BOA is an organisation that represents the athletes and the athletes in this country overwhelmingly back the BOA's position.

"The BOA are not doing this because they are bored; they are doing it because its constituent members, the athletes, want it to happen.

"Anybody who has been involved in sports wants to see doping cheats face the severest possible sanctions."

Robertson added that even though the BOA may end up losing their battle to WADA and be forced to change their ruling, he said it is worth them fighting their corner nonetheless.

"I don't know what is going to happen in CAS but it's a fight worth having and they have my support in fighting it," he said.

"I am entirely comfortable with the position the BOA have taken.

"As the Minister it is my job to represent the views of the athletes and London 2012 Organising Committee and I think they are right."

The BOA is testing its eligibility rule in the CAS after WADA ruled the 19-year-old rule was "non-compliant" with the WADA code.

It is likely that the decision to go against the BOA, which would open the way for cyclist David Millar and sprinter Dwain Chambers to compete at the London 2012 Olympics next summer.

By Tom Degun


November 20 - Hackney Community College has been unveiled as the key training location for the London 2012 Games Maker volunteers that will work across the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

London 2012 is currently in the process of recruiting around 70,000 volunteers for the Games with some applicants still being interviewed despite there being just eight months to go until the start of the Olympics on July 27.

However, some provisional offers have started being issued to individuals to become Games Makers and from early next year, successful applicants will then receive orientation, role-specific and venue training.

Most of the Games Makers selected to volunteer during the London 2012 Games will receive their role-specific training at either the Shoreditch Campus or Morley Hall on Mare Street at Hackney Community College with sessions to take place from the middle of February to the middle of May 2012.

"Hackney Community College is delighted that it will be one of the locations hosting the training of the London 2012 volunteers," said Ian Ashman, Principal of Hackney Community College.

"It is recognition of the really high quality facilities we have available, as well as being a practical illustration of London 2012's commitment to put resources into host borough communities.

"We will be using these resources to help support our students and programmes, including our four sports academies.

"We will also be encouraging the 70,000 volunteers to make the most of Hackney's facilities while they are with us; for example, to visit local restaurants, bars and museums, so that others will also benefit from our success."

There is an additional boost for Hackney Community College as art and design, media and fashion students at the facility are being given the opportunity to create artwork for the Games Maker training venues.

Around 60 students are involved in creating individual video installations, textiles and artwork which will be presented to London 2012 next month on December 2.

The winning pieces for the training venues will be selected on the December 12 with all the work is based around the Olympic and Paralympic values of excellence, respect, courage, inspiration, friendship, equality and determination.

"I am really excited and thrilled that we have been given this opportunity to be part of the Olympic and Paralympic Games," said Paulene Carr, head of Art, Media and Fashion at Hackney Community College.

"Both students and staff are inspired and motivated by this opportunity to contribute to what will be a longstanding legacy to the local community.

"We hope 2012 is not just a number or a year, but will be a constant reminder of success not only for Stratford and London, but for the United Kingdom; let people talk of 2012 for many years to come."

As well as providing a training venue, Hackney Community College has already made other commitments for the Games, including training hundreds of students and unemployed people to take up 2012 jobs in industries like security, catering, retail and cleaning.

They have also put forward ambassadors to support sports events, students to perform at the opening and closing ceremonies as well as an involvement in the Cultural Olympiad.

"We believe London 2012 offers a great legacy to the local area and winning the contract to be venue for the volunteer training is one more example of the benefits of the Games to our community," added Ashman.

Hackney Community College has more than 9,000 students each year.

This figure is made up of 16 to 18-year-olds in the new South Hackney Sixth 6th form and adults who study full and part time.

Increasing numbers of 14 to16-year-olds also learn at the college either in partnership with local schools or through other arrangements.

The College is also home to the London City Hospitality Centre and its famous training restaurant Open Kitchen.

By Tom Degun


altNovember 3 - David Beckham has signed his third deal to become the face of a sponsor involved in London 2012, joining Tier One Paralympics partner Sainsbury's as an ambassador.

The former England captain is support the supermarket chain's Active Kids campaign, which officials claim has now donated over £115 million ($183 million/€134 million) worth of equipment and experiences to nurseries, schools, Scout and Guide groups, and Clubmark accredited sports clubs.

Beckham already has deals with worldwide Olympic sponsor Samsung and Adidas, a Tier One London 2012 partner.

Ahead of London 2012, Beckham will also become Sainsbury's ambassador for its London 2012 Paralympic Games sponsorship getting involved in campaigns such as the 1 Million Kids Challenge designed to encourage school children of all ages and abilities to have a go at a Paralympic sport through the distribution of free equipment to schools.

Launched by Sainsbury's in April 2011, the 1 Million Kids Challenge has already received pledges from just under 6,000 schools representing 1.9 million children, almost doubling the target initially set.

"I know the difference leading a healthier and more active life can make to kids and I have been really impressed with the long-term commitment that Sainsbury's has made," said Beckham, who will work alongside teenage swimmer Ellie Simmonds, the double Paralympic gold medallist who is already a Sainsbury's ambassador.

"I am looking forward to working with Sainsbury's to help UK kids have fun, become even more active and introduce them to Paralympic Sports through the 1 Million Kids Challenge."

The announcement comes four months after celebrity chef Jamie Oliver said he would step down as the face of the supermarket after Christmas following an 11-year partnership.

Like Oliver, Beckham will appear in adverts for the company.

The first is due to show in cinemas from November 25.

"We're thrilled to have David on board as an ambassador of our Active Kids campaign," said Justin King, the cheif executive of Sainsbury's.

"As a world class athlete and father of four, David is the ideal ambassador to support our commitment to encourage children to get active and live healthier lifestyles for less money.

"And with a year to go until the Paralympic Games, David's involvement in the 1 Million Kids Challenge will raise the profile even further of disability sport, to help us make this the best Paralympic Games yet."


By Duncan Mackay

October 19 - The former Rio 2016 marketing team, led by Maggie Sanchez (pictured right with chief executive Leonardo Gryner) who until just days ago was the Organising Committee's chief commercial and marketing director, have shed light on the mysterious circumstances that saw them dismissed from their positions.

Sanchez, along with two of her senior deputies David Alstadter and Rogerio Ludorf, left in what the Rio 2016 leadership described as an "incompatibility of philosophies".

However, in a joint statement to their partners, seen by insidethegames, the trio have aired their side of the story.

"As you have all no doubt heard or been notified by now, we are no longer a part of the Rio 2016 Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games," the statement read.

"This is sad for us, as we will not be finishing this great journey with you.

"We are very proud of the outstanding and record breaking work we and our commercial and marketing team have accomplished in building what has been widely recognised by you - the partner community, the IOC (International Olympic Committee) and Rio 2016 leadership, as an outstanding commercial and marketing programme with our innovative 'Aim High' platform."

The statement continues: "We have accomplished many records and successes together, here are but a few: the biggest deal in Olympic history with our Financial Services and Insurance partner, delivering our first partner connection workshop in June 2011 earlier than any other Olympic and Paralympic Organising Committee, and the great feedback for our commercial and marketing programme from the IOC during our IOC Coordination Commission review in June 2011.

"Why the Rio 2016 leadership separated with the three senior and top performing leaders of the commercial and marketing team at the height of its success and during a critical sponsorship phase is an answer that only your heart and experience can help you individually understand.

"They have been quoted as saying: we had 'incompatible philosophies'.

"Here are the principles of our Philosophy...

"• First and foremost, integrity in all we do

"• Holding ourselves accountable to the highest standards, being self-aware, measuring our results to enable us to fine tune and always seeking to develop

"• Adherence to the Olympic values, friendship, respect and excellence and the spirit of Baron de Coubertin's vision for the modern Olympic Games

"• Honest, open and fair business practices and communications, seeking to create win – win situations with maximum return on investment for all stakeholders

"• Utilising Olympic, Paralympic and fortune 500 business best practices to set a new benchmark for delivering the Games

"• Hiring and embracing a team of competent diverse people, and creating a culture of empowerment to ensure scalability, distributed decision making and success

"• Promoting and harnessing the power of diversity - professional backgrounds, nationalities, genders, ages, etc. - to ensure the maximum possibility for new ideas and success

"• Thinking outside the box or paradigm, fostering innovation, taking on challenges and setting big bold goals

"• Recognising and rewarding outstanding individual and team performances

"• Never bowing to adversity and never exalting in triumph

"• Staying humble with our successes, as they are never ours alone, but those of all that we work with and support us

"• Contributing to society in a meaningful way

"We have spent our personal lives and professional careers living, developing and adapting with this philosophy as our guiding principle.

"Indeed, if we have a difference in philosophies with the Rio 2016 leadership, then we are proud to stand by ours."

The statement ends with a personal farewell from Sanchez who says: "One of my favourite quotes from Gandhi is 'Be the change you want to see in the world'.

"Change is often the seed of hope.

"We hope you agree we have demonstrated our willingness to be the change we want to see."

-Tom Degun
