Following T&T’s best ever medal haul in the history of the Pan Amercian Games, the national track and field athletes received an added boost as Toyota has agreed to contribute $750,000 towards the T&T Olympic Committee’s Athlete Welfare and Preparation Fund.

The announcement was made yesterday at the T&T Olympic House on Abercromby Street, Port-of-Spain.

Toyota T&T Limited will contribute $150,000 per year for the next five years leading up to the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo.

President of the T&T Olympic Committee (TTOC) Brian Lewis said Toyota’s involvement is timely after T&T won eight medals (three gold, three silver and two bronze) at the recently concluded Pan Am Games in Toronto, Canada. Speaking about Toyota’s sponsorship, Lewis said, “In March this year Toyota Motor Corporation signed a historic agreement with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to become a top partner. Toyota Motor Corporation is now a top partner of the IOC in the vehicle and mobility category.

“In T&T, Toyota has made a specific contribution to the ten or more Olympic gold medals by the year 2024 for the Athlete Welfare and Preparation Fund during the course of the five-year partnership. In addition Toyota will become the official vehicle and mobility partner of the TTOC, supporting our transport needs where needed and within certain constraints.”

Sean Shaffie, marketing manager at Toyota, said the president and CEO of Toyota signed on as an official Olympic sponsor for the 2020 Games, a deal reportedly valued at $835,000,000 US dollars. Shaffie stated this was one of the reasons Toyota T&T Limited decided to get involved.

Shaffie said: “Toyota T&T Limited is proud to announce this morning that for the next five years, starting today, we will be supporting our Olympic contingent via the T&T Olympic Committee to help them prepare for the 2020 Olympics. Not only because our parent company is an official Olympic sponsor, but because it is part of our burning desire to coordinate and contribute to Olympic success for our athletes.”

Toyota’s marketing manager said: “Achieving success has become a symbolic part of Toyota in T&T and in the rest of the world. We have been the number one selling branch for many years across the region and connecting our success with our Olympic athletes came naturally.”

Shaffie said Toyota has always been a supporter of local athletes and culture. “Toyota T&T Limited has always been an advocate for sport and local culture. We have been supporting sporting initiatives and the arts since inception and continue to do so without hesitation.

“Our athletes are our pride and joy and we (corporate T&T) need to show our love and support to these young men and women. Give them the encouragement to make us all proud. Their committment gives us great pleasure.”


Toyota Trinidad and Tobago Limited (TTTL) will invest at least $750,000 over the next five years into the Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee’s (TTOC) #10golds24 Athlete Welfare and Preparation Fund.

The local branch of the world renowned automotive company will also pair with the TTOC to provide internships in human resources, public relations, communications and sales for athletes, ongoing training and education and will be the official vehicle and mobility partner of the TTOC. Toyota is also expected to assist with certain TTOC promotional and advertising initiatives.

TTOC president Brian Lewis and TTTL marketing manager Sean Shaffie made the announcement of the five-year deal that will extend to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics at Olympic House on Abercromby Street yesterday. Toyota also presented the first cheque of $150,000 to #10golds24 Athlete Welfare and Preparation Fund.

Lewis revealed that in March this year, the Japan-based Toyota Motor Corporation, the parent company signed an historic US$835 million agreement with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to become a top partner with the IOC until 2024. The deal gives Toyota rights in Japan until the end of 2016 but then exclusive worldwide rights with the IOC starting from 2017.

Lewis described that the IOC usually return 90 % of the revenue generated back to sport development and NOCs across the globe. “What would usually happen is even though you may have a worldwide partner it doesn’t necessarily mean in the domestic market there is a sign-on market. It usually happens in bigger NOCs, not usually in smaller NOCs, so Toyota T&T signing on to be a partner complements, so to speak, what is happening on worldwide basis but is a landmark deal for the TTOC and we would like to congratulate and welcome them on board,” he said.

Besides the $150,000 contribution to the Fund, Toyota has also agreed to offer internships to suitable athletes selected by TTOC and to offer ongoing training and education opportunities.

“To be fair to our other corporate sponsors, there is an ongoing emphasis in all our negotiations now in terms of actioning our athlete-centred approach from a strategic perspective. That component is very important and I acknowledge Toyota for agreeing to that,” Lewis said.

Shaffie said TTTL was forward-thinking and thus decided to jump in on Olympic support 12 months ahead of their parent company.

“Starting today, we will be supporting our local Olympic contingent via the TTOC in readiness for the Olympic Games in 2020, not only because our parent company is an official Olympic sponsor but it is part of our burning desire to coordinate and contribute to Olympic success for our very own athletes,” Shaffie stated.

Lewis underlined the importance of brand recognition and value to wooing corporate sponsors. Saying that the TTOC benefited from association with the iconic brand of the IOC, he said national sporting organisations (NSOs) also had to improve their brand to attract commercial investment and to show they can reciprocate in the relationship.

“It is also about the ability of the brand you are associating with to drive sales,” Lewis commented, “I am saying this because we hear a lot from NSOs about why corporate T&T is not coming on board. Maybe it is because the brand needs to be looked at, maybe we are unable to convince corporate T&T that we can help create a win-win, not only help them meet their corporate social responsibility ambitions but to drive sales.”

Lewis added that NSOs needed to get accustomed to that reality as he recognised the timely intervention of TTTL’s investment following T&T’s record Pan Am Games medal haul of three gold, three silver and two bronze.


RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Rio de Janeiro conjures clear images of sun, samba and soccer. Organizers of the Olympics that start a year from now hope that's what people remember after the games — not images of polluted water, inefficient transportation and incomplete venues.

The Rio Olympics that start Aug. 5, 2016, follow last year's World Cup, which ended with mixed results.

A year of protests over lavish spending on soccer stadiums dissolved once the World Cup started. Fans from around the world embraced Brazil, and the stadiums looked ready enough on television even if many were still incomplete. Several have become underused white elephants" that cost local governments millions to maintain.

Now come the Summer Games, which are more complex and put Brazil under scrutiny again.

Instead of a one-month tournament with 730 players, the 16-day Olympics feature 28 sports, 300 events and 10,500 athletes; almost all in a metropolitan area of about 12 million people.

Construction got off to a slow start. And so did ticket sales.

"If you compare our numbers with the classic London numbers, you're going to see that we got off a little late," said Mario Andrada, spokesman for the Rio Olympics. He called Brazilians "last-minute people."

"But there's no doubt in our minds that we are going to sell out the tickets."

It will take years to know if the Olympics improved life for  Cariocas, as Rio residents are known. And if so, who profited the most from spending $12 billion in public and private money.

The head of the local organizing committee Carlos Nuzman says Rio will be the Olympic city with the "greatest transformation," surpassing Tokyo in 1964 and Barcelona in 1992.

An Olympics can change a city's reputation for good or bad.

Beijing showcased a rising power, but outsiders also glimpsed the control of an authoritarian state. Athens took a beating for preparations __ similar to Rio — and some of Greece's financial problems are linked Olympic spending.

At quick look at preparations with South America's first games opening Aug. 5, 2016.



The sailing and wind-surfing venue in Guanabara Bay, and the rowing and canoeing venue at the Rodrigo de Freitas lagoon, feature beautiful backdrops spoiled by sewage-filled water and floating debris. Rio officials promised cleaning the bay would be an Olympic legacy. But Rio Mayor Eduardo Paes has said that won't happen. A dramatic photo in the Rio newspaper O Globo recently showed trash wrapped around the tail of a dolphin in the bay.

Rio hopes to get by with stopgaps; a fleet of rubbish collection boats and barricades built where garbage gushes in from hilltop slums.

Some sailors competing in test events in Rio have called Guanabara Bay "an open sewer," and many have tried to minimize contact with the water to avoid illnesses.

"I don't think I would go swimming in that lagoon," said Matt Smith, head of the World Rowing Federation.



The new Olympic golf course and the athletes' village will become luxury real estate develpments after the Olympics. The units at the golf course start at about $2 million. The projects involve public and private money, with much of the income going to the private developers.

Two largely government-funded developments are a subway extension from central Rio into Barra da Tijuca — the heart of the games — and rapid transit bus lines that reach many corners of the city. The subway line extension faces a tight deadline.

"The subway line is going to be delivered just before the games, so of course we're worried about that," said Sidney Levy, CEO of the organizing committee.

Part of the Olympic Park will serve afterward as Brazil's Olympic training center. A section of the Olympic Park will become residential space. Some of that space has yet to be vacated with residents in a slum called Vila Autodromo holding out for better compensation.



Street crime in Rio has spiked as drug traffickers in the city's slums — known as favelas — fight back against police and soldiers trying to "pacify" the neighborhoods. Muggings are increasing in the upscale south and west of the city, which will host most of the Olympics. A cyclist was recently stabbed to death at the Olympic rowing venue.

City officials are confident the problems won't leak over to the Olympics.

"The World Cup was organized without any major incidents, and we expect that this will be the same for the games," said Christophe Dubi, Olympic Games Executive Director.



President Dilma Rousseff, whose popularity has plunged as the country slides in recession, said recently she will be more involved in Olympic preparations. She's hoping the Olympics will improve the country's mood, and boost her poll numbers.

Levy says the games should inspire Brazilians, and they could use some.

State-run oil company Petrobras lost $2.1 billion in a kickback scheme that saw firm executives take bribes for awarding inflated contracts. In June, police arrested the CEOs of two of Brazil's largest construction companies, including the head of Odebrecht, which helped build many World Cup and Olympic venues.

Levy, the CEO, has repeated often that Rio is running clean games devoid of corruption.



A last-minute rush seems inevitable, and late work is sure to drive up costs.

Levy seems relaxed, particularly with the two biggest stadiums — both soccer facilities — already constructed.

"We're not building anything big," he said. "We're not building a cathedral."

A study by Said Business School at Oxford University of Olympic Games since 1960 showed each one had cost overruns.

"No other type of megaproject is this consistent regarding cost overrun," authors Bent Flyvberg and Allison Stewart wrote.  "Other project types are typically on budget from time to time, but not the Olympics."


Sebastian Coe's campaign to become the next President of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) has received a major boost after he was promised the backing of the Athletic Association Small States of Europe (AASSE), a group of countries who between them have nine votes, and Ireland.

Jonas Egilsson, President of the AASSE, revealed that the group which comprises Andorra, Cyprus, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro and San Marino had decided to back Britain's double Olympic gold medallist following his promise to give an Olympic Athletics Dividend of at least $100,000 (£64,000/€91,000) over four years to all 214 members of the IAAF.

Athletics Ireland, meanwhile, has promised to support Coe because of the "outstanding job" he did as chairman of London 2012.

“Seb Coe has all the characteristics, experience and know-how the sport needs in a new leader and we are very happy to confirm in an open manner that we will be voting for him," Ciarán Ó Catháin, President of Athletics Ireland, said.

"He did an outstanding job as chairman of the London 2012 Olympic Games and has proven time and time again he has the morals, vision, leadership skills and passion to lead athletics into a successful future."

More Federations are expected to publicly back Coe's bid later this week.

“The Board of Athletics Ireland completely support my view on this, and having discussed this with many other Federations throughout Europe and the rest of the world, we are confident he will be elected President in four weeks’ time," said Ó Catháin.

“I have discussed his plans extensively with Seb and they mirror the vision of Athletics Ireland in trying to grow the popularity of the sport and bring athletics to new audiences."

Some consolation for Coe's rival, Ukraine's Sergey Bubka, was that Egilsson did promise to vote for him as vice-president.

"Sergey Bubka is an experienced administrator and servant of athletics and we will be voting for him to be vice-president to ensure that these two giants of athletics continue to serve our sport in the years ahead," Egilsson said.

The announcement from the AASSE and Ireland follows earlier pledges from Australia, Germany, Jamaica and New Zealand to back Coe in the election at the IAAF Congress in Beijing on August 19.

Coe is widely seen as the favourite to succeed Senegal's Lamine Diack, who is stepping down after 16 years in the role.

Under the IAAF's one country, one vote system it means the backing of the AASSE and Ireland is just as important as getting the support of leading athletics powers like the United States and Russia.

Coe has already called for a greater focus on creating and supporting strong regional competitions to enhance Member Federation development and create new opportunities for athletes.

“It is especially important for smaller nations and their athletes to have more opportunities to compete at international events given that they are often not able to field large teams at the Olympic Games or IAAF World Championships," he said.

"By creating strong regional championships that cater for both major and developing athletics nations, you provide athletes with international level experience and a clear route map for top level competition outside of their own borders.

"This is a win-win for the athletes, their Member Federations and for growing interest in the sport in emerging nations.

“I very much endorse the recent news by European Athletics which is to provide support for a new competition to be organised by the Small States of Europe in the Olympic year, starting in 2016."


The Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee concluded the second leg of its 13th Annual Olympic Youth Camp at Guardian Holdings Limited, Westmoorings on 25th July 2015. This marked the end of a two week camp from the 6th – 11th (Tobago) and 20th – 25th July (Trinidad) that targeted athletes in the eleven to fourteen age groups.

The theme this year ‘10Golds2024' or “10G24” encouraged young athletes to Strive for Excellence in their sporting discipline and also exemplified  the Olympic Principles of Fair Play, Respect for Others, Joy of Effort and Balance between Body, Will and Mind.  Youth Facilitators (past campers) explained these principles through engaging drama and team building exercises.

Life skill sessions focused on Media Interview Training, Athlete Welfare, Setting Goals (Donald La Guerre, Sport Psychologist), Anti –Doping (Andre Collins, Caribbean Sport and Development Agency),  Critical Thinking (Save our Children Foundation) , Sport for Development and Peace (Janine Thornhill, Commonwealth Youth Sport for Development and Peace Working Group member) and HIV/AIDS Awareness (Youth Department, THA).

The closing of the camp was fashioned after the Opening Ceremony of an Olympic Games, with Trinidad and Tobago as the host country. Campers paraded flags from Tokyo 1964 to London 2012 Olympics. In addition, the campers wore decorated face masks showcasing the Olympic Flag, Olympic Flame, Peace and Trinidad and Tobago that was created for their art project during the camp.

In Trinidad, campers presented their art pieces on 10Golds24 vision which highlighted aspects they believe are essential to achieving a gold medal. They emphasized sound morals and values, self-confidence, enjoyment of their sport, balance between school and training, respect for their competitors and support from family, friends, coaches, medical personnel and sponsors.  The campers also highlighted the significance of inclusion of the differently abled in sport, and the need to stay away from crime, violence and drugs in order to achieve their goals.

The participants were able to learn new sports from their fellow campers such as cycling, badminton, archery, triathlon, hockey, volleyball, badminton, chess, basketball, football and netball. They were also exposed to Jump Rope (Thandiwe Prescott).

Most impactful for the young participants was the athlete mentors; Mark Anthony Honore (Volleyball), Kairon Pollard (Cricket), Akanni Hislop (Track and Field, Youth Olympian),  Pietra Gay (Basketball, Women's NBA) Sherridan Kirk (Olympian) and Jeannette Small and Kwanieze John (Young Ambassadors Nanjing 2014 and Singapore 2010 Youth Olympics).

The TTOC will like to encourage athletes and mentors interested in the Olympic Youth Camp to send their profiles to the TTOC at

Special Thanks to the Tobago House of Assembly, Scotia Bank Limited and Guardian Group, Lisa Communications and BPTT for their continued support in the development of our nation’s young athletes.


Trinidad and Tobago Red Steel will face defending champions Barbados Tridents in the Hero Caribbean Premier League Twenty20 final today after defeating two-time finalists Guyana Amazon Warriors by six wickets in the second semifinal at Queen’s Park Oval, Port of Spain, last night.

It is the first time the Dwayne Bravo-led side will contest the final and they will have the momentum heading into that match.

But the Red Steel have had mixed results against the defending champs, losing to them earlier this season before whipping the Kieron Pollard-led side at the Oval the second time around.

Pollard’s team booked an automatic place in the final for the second straight year after topping the standings while the Red Steel came from the last place to earn a spot in the final four and now have a chance to clinch the trophy and the US$400,000 winner-take-all jackpot.

Last night, the home fans had a lot to cheer about after the Amazon Warriors opted to bat first and were restricted to 109 for nine off their 20 overs with only Lendl Simmons standing up to the Red Steel bowling attack.

Wicketkeeper Kamran Akmal then came to the party for the Red Steel, smashing 49 off 41 balls to set up the win as the home side replied with 109 for four off 18.2 overs.

When the visitors batted, Simmons smashed 64 off 51 balls with eight fours. He gave the Amazon Warriors a good start, putting on 19 in the first three overs before Kevon Cooper pulled the game back for the Red Steel.

Cooper got Trevon Griffith with his third ball of the game before the Red Steel spinners really tightened the screws.

Left-arm spinner Sulieman Benn removed the Amazon Warriors captain Denesh Ramdin with the score on 50 in the eighth over before leg-spinner Samuel Badree sent back Brad Hodge and the promoted Sunil Narine in the next over to put the hosts in control.

Only Simmons troubled the Red Steel bowlers, reaching his half-century with a four off Benn. Christopher Barnwell was the only other batsman to reach double figures. He hit 12 off 17 balls before he was run out in the 15th over with the score progressing to 77 for six.

The Red Steel suffered a few scares in their reply when they lost Cameron Delport and Jacques Kallis early but the hosts were never in any real danger.

Kamran Akmal dispelled any fears as he took the attack to Veerasammy Permaul in the fifth over, smashing a four and a six to deep midwicket as the hosts progressed from 14 for one after four overs to 27 for one after five.

Akmal went after David Wiese in the next over hitting five fours to get the home crowd fired up.

Even after Kallis departed the Oval crowd was still on its feet as Darren Bravo walked to the middle.

The left-hander smacked Narine for two fours to announce his arrival before pulling Devendra Bishoo for six over the Trini Posse Stand.

But he departed shortly after for 22 off 17 while Akmal was bowled by Narine with the score on 85 for five to slow the chase but there were no more scares for the Red Steel as skipper Dwayne Bravo and Jason Mohammed guided their team safely across the finish line.

The final bowls off today at 4:30 p.m.
